
implantsMissing teeth can have a dramatically negative effect on the appearance of a smile. Implants are a state of the art treatment option which creates an excellent cosmetic result in replacing missing teeth. Unlike conventional bridgework, implants can provide tooth replacement without the need to cut down adjacent teeth. They also have the added advantage of preserving and maintaining bone in the area around the implant.

This procedure involves replacing the root portion of a missing tooth with a dental implant which is then used as an anchor for a new tooth. The final restoration or crown is placed three to six months after the initial implant surgery. Implants are no more difficult to clean than natural teeth. They are decay resistent and provide a natural healthy appearance.
Implants can be used to replace a single tooth or several teeth. They can even be used if there are no teeth present. Unfortunately, not all situations are suitable for implants but our dentist will discuss all treatment options available.

Implants are a great option for patients who are unhappy with their dentures. Over time, bone will be lost where there are no teeth and the gums will shrink. The less bone you have, the less likely the denture will be tight. Therefore, over time, dentures will become more difficult to wear which can cause discomfort and embarrassment. Loose and uncomfortable dentures can be a thing of the past with implant retained dentures. You can make a loose denture more secure or get rid of dentures completely. There is also no age limit to having implants.

Implants have been used successfully for over forty years in dentistry and have been constantly improving. They now have an extremely high chance of success and can provide a lifetime of comfort. If you would like to chew and smile with confidence, implants may be the answer for you.

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